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Travel with Ease: Discover the Benefits of Reliefband

Traveling can be a rewarding experience, but it often comes with its fair share of challenges. Rarely is travel one extended period of purely stress-free moments. That would be ideal, but it’s not reality and I can say this after having traveled non-stop for over 20 years. Some of the more common challenges that travelers face are anxiety, stress and motion sickness, all of which can put a damper on your journey. Like I said, travel is hard at times and it can take a toll on our bodies and minds.

Fortunately, I came upon a product that offers a very simple yet effective solution to alleviate these kind of travel-related woes. It’s called the Reliefband.

This product was introduced to me by two friends. They both used it to eliminate nausea associated with motion sickness whenever they are traveling by air or car during their adventures. I did some more research about Reliefband in order to find out how it works and if it could be a genuine solution. While looking for more info, I was also thinking about the small group tours that I lead as there are often travelers who experience some motion sickness on some of the journeys we take.

In the end, this product could very well be a must-have piece of travel gear for those travelers who do suffer from motion sickness, stress or anxiety.

  1. Understanding Reliefband: The Reliefband is a groundbreaking wearable device designed to provide relief from motion sickness, nausea and anxiety. It harnesses the power of neuromodulation technology to stimulate the median nerve located on the underside of the wrist. This gentle stimulation targets the body’s natural neural pathways, effectively reducing the signals that trigger these discomforts, and offering travelers a pleasant and hassle-free journey as a result.
  2. Combatting Motion Sickness: Motion sickness can turn an otherwise positive travel experience into a nightmare. Whether you’re on a bumpy road, turbulent flight or choppy seas, the Reliefband can come to your rescue. By emitting precise electrical pulses that modulate the median nerve, it helps normalize the erratic signals between the brain and the stomach, thereby mitigating the symptoms of motion sickness. The Reliefband offers a drug-free and non-invasive solution, making it safe and suitable for all travelers.

  3. Relieving Nausea and Morning Sickness: Nausea can strike at any time, even when you’re on the go. Whether you’re affected by a strong odor, unfamiliar food or a sudden change in altitude, the Reliefband can swiftly provide relief. Again, the gentle pulsations from the device help to disrupt the transmission of nausea signals from the stomach to the brain, effectively easing discomfort and allowing you to enjoy your journey to the fullest. For pregnant travelers experiencing morning sickness, Reliefband can also be a game-changer, offering quick comfort and convenience whenever needed.
  4. Managing Anxiety and Stress: Traveling can also be stressful, especially for those prone to anxiety or nervousness. The Reliefband’s neuromodulation technology extends its benefits beyond physical ailments, as it can also help soothe anxiety. By stimulating the nerve, it triggers the release of natural endorphins and serotonin in the brain, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation even when in stressful situations. With Reliefband, you can bid farewell to pre-travel jitters and normal travel stress and embrace significantly more serene travels.
  5. Easy-to-Use and Travel-Friendly: The Reliefband’s user-friendly design makes it a perfect companion for travelers. With adjustable settings, you can personalize the intensity levels according to your needs. The device is discreet, lightweight and easily fits on your wrist, ensuring convenience and portability. It is also rechargeable, eliminating the need for constant battery replacements. With its long battery life, the Reliefband is ready to accompany you on all your adventures, providing relief whenever and wherever you need it.

Traveling should be exciting and fulfilling, and free from the discomforts that can often accompany it. With Reliefband, you can now bid farewell to motion sickness, nausea and anxiety, and fully embrace the wonders of exploration. This revolutionary wearable device offers a drug-free, non-invasive and highly effective solution for travelers.

(Note: This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. If you have specific medical concerns, please consult with a healthcare professional.)

The post Travel with Ease: Discover the Benefits of Reliefband appeared first on Wandering Earl.

Air Turbulence: The Older I Get, The More It Makes Me Cry

Air Turbulence
Let me start off by thanking every one of you who left a suggestion in the comments of my last post (and in emails) about where I should travel next. I really wasn’t expecting such enthusiastic recommendations and every single comment I read put a huge smile on my face.

And as soon as those comments starting piling up I began to spend some time pondering over the suggestions, as well as thinking about my own goals for my upcoming travels and what I wish to accomplish.

In fact, I had originally planned yesterday to be the day that I would sort it all out and make a decision. The idea was that I would use the one and a half hour flight from Cancun, Mexico to Florida to concentrate on choosing my next destination. Flying through the sky at 35,000 feet just seemed like a perfect time to think about travel.

And as the plane took off at 11:31am yesterday morning, I did begin to read through the list of possible travel destinations – which includes Africa, Azerbaijan, Philippines, Colombia, Antarctica, Latvia, Bosnia, Bulgaria, India, Tajikistan, South Korea, China, Japan and many more – I had written down from all of your comments.

However, the reality is that my flight came and went and I was not able to reach a conclusion, not because there were too many options but because my session of travel contemplation did not last very long after take-off.

I believe that it was about 20 minutes into the flight, as we soared high above the western tip of Cuba, that the airplane suddenly dropped straight out of the sky. One second the clouds outside seemed to be far below the airplane and the next second they seemed to be far above.

And I, my friends, was terrified.


Okay, maybe the above was a little bit of an exaggeration.

Perhaps the airplane didn’t exactly ‘drop’ out of the sky. I guess it was more like a quick shake, a little shimmy if you will. Actually, if I remember correctly, the pilot referred to it as a ‘small pocket of turbulence’.

However, it sure felt like more than a ‘small pocket of turbulence’ to me. I braced for the worse and remember thinking that I really should have been kinder to the woman at the airline check-in counter who had confusingly tried to charge me double the normal airport departure tax. Now I was certain that my life was about to end and that was going to be my last thought.

This never used to happen when I traveled on airplanes. But, and I really, really, really, hope that I’m not alone with this, as I get older, it seems that those little moments of normal turbulence have become significantly more frightening.

It’s as if the airplane hits one small ‘bump’ in the sky and the next thing I know the sweet elderly lady next to me is asking if I would be so kind as to release my insanely tight grip on her now black and blue arm.

All it takes is one little hiccup in the air and I immediately reach under my seat (while holding back tears of course) to ensure that my inflatable life vest is in place before lowering myself halfway into the crash position. Of course, I try to pretend that I’m searching for something in my backpack that I’ve placed under the seat in front of me but I’m really just getting ready for the inevitable impact.

Crash position


I’ve literally flown hundreds of times during my life and for years I loved every single minute of every one of those flights, even those moments when the plane was stuck in turbulence, both small and large pockets. Never did I find such common turbulence to be any reason for worry at all.

But these days, not only do I immediately think my life is in its last precious moments but I’m often unable to concentrate on anything else during the rest of the flight.

I can’t even concentrate enough to watch Kung Fu Panda 2 on my personal entertainment screen. The airplane shakes once and I close my eyes so tightly and my heart beats so quickly that I enter into a twenty minute ‘life flashing before my eyes’ session. And when I finally snap out of it, the damn Panda has somehow discovered inner peace and is now able to redirect cannon fire coming from Lord Shen’s armada. How did that happen? I missed it all.

Well, I suppose this is just something that I need to come to terms with. There is no denying the fact that as I get older, I find myself more and more uncomfortable while flying. Perhaps ‘uncomfortable’ is not even the best description.

Scared out of my flipping mind‘ is probably somewhat more accurate.

Has anyone else experienced this? Anyone? Please??

Photos: Brace Position (by kalleboo) / Light Turbulence (by Robert Couse-Baker)

The post Air Turbulence: The Older I Get, The More It Makes Me Cry appeared first on Wandering Earl.

Experiencing the Best of Paris: A Traveler’s Guide


View of Paris

Paris is one of the world’s most popular travel destinations, attracting millions of visitors each year. Located in the heart of France, the city is known for its stunning architecture, rich history, world-class museums, and unparalleled cuisine. Whether you’re interested in art, fashion, or simply soaking up the ambiance of a beautiful city, Paris has something to offer everyone. The city’s romantic atmosphere, charming neighborhoods, and iconic landmarks make it an ideal destination for couples, families, and solo travelers alike.

However, with so much to see and do, it can be overwhelming to plan a trip to Paris. That’s why it’s important to make sure you experience the best of the city while you’re there. From exploring the city’s historic landmarks and museums to indulging in local cuisine and wandering through charming neighborhoods, there’s no shortage of things to do in Paris. Taking the time to plan your trip and prioritize the activities and sights that interest you the most can help ensure that you have an unforgettable experience in the City of Light.

Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveler, experiencing the best of Paris can be a truly rewarding experience. From strolling along the Seine River to enjoying a cup of coffee at a cozy cafe, the city offers a wealth of experiences that can’t be found anywhere else in the world. By taking the time to plan your trip and make the most of your time in the city, you can create lasting memories and discover a newfound appreciation for this iconic destination. So if you’re looking for a travel destination that offers beauty, history, culture, and charm, look no further than Paris.


Planning Your Trip

One of the key factors that can make or break your travel experience in Paris is the type of accommodation you choose. The city is home to a wide range of hotels, from budget-friendly options to luxurious five-star properties. While there are certainly plenty of affordable hotels in Paris, we recommend splurging a bit to stay at the best hotels in Paris. These hotels offer a level of service, comfort, and amenities that can greatly enhance your travel experience. From stylish boutique hotels to grand palace hotels, Paris has no shortage of exceptional properties to choose from. Some of the best hotels in the city include the Four Seasons Hotel George V, the Ritz Paris, and the Mandarin Oriental, Paris.

When creating your itinerary for Paris, there are a few key things to consider to help ensure that you have the best possible experience. First, think about what type of traveler you are and what you hope to get out of your trip. Are you interested in art and culture? History? Food and wine? Nightlife? Once you have a sense of what you want to do and see in Paris, you can start planning your itinerary accordingly.

Another key consideration is the time of year you’re planning to visit. Paris is a popular destination year-round, but there are certain times of the year when the city is especially busy or when certain attractions may be closed. For example, the summer months can be crowded and hot, while many museums and restaurants close for vacation in August. On the other hand, the holiday season is a magical time to visit Paris, with festive lights and decorations throughout the city.

Finally, be sure to leave some time for spontaneity and exploration. While it’s important to have a general plan for your trip, some of the best experiences in Paris can come from simply wandering through the city’s neighborhoods, stumbling upon charming cafes and boutiques, and interacting with locals. Don’t be afraid to stray from your itinerary and embrace the spirit of adventure!


Must-visit Landmarks and Attractions

Paris is home to some of the world’s most iconic landmarks and attractions, and no trip to the city would be complete without visiting a few of them. Whether you’re interested in history, art, or simply soaking up the city’s beauty, there’s something for everyone in Paris. Some of the top landmarks and attractions that travelers should visit include:

  • The Eiffel Tower: This iconic landmark is a must-visit for any first-time traveler to Paris. You can take an elevator or stairs to the top for stunning views of the city.
  • The Louvre: This world-famous museum is home to thousands of works of art, including the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo.
  • Notre-Dame Cathedral: This stunning cathedral, which was badly damaged in a fire in 2019, is still worth a visit for its Gothic architecture and rich history.
  • The Palace of Versailles: This opulent palace, located just outside of Paris, was the home of the French monarchy and is now a museum and UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Palace of Versailles

While Paris is famous for its iconic landmarks and popular neighborhoods, there are many lesser-known things to see and do in the city that are just as impressive. Here are a few examples:

  • The Musée de l’Orangerie: While the Louvre gets all the attention, the Musée de l’Orangerie is a must-see for art lovers. Located in the Tuileries Garden, the museum is home to Monet’s stunning Water Lilies series, as well as works by other famous artists such as Cézanne, Renoir, and Picasso.
  • The Promenade Plantée: This elevated park in the 12th arrondissement is a hidden gem that offers a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city. The park is built on an old railway viaduct and features beautiful gardens, art installations, and stunning views of the city.
  • The Canal Saint-Martin: This picturesque canal in the 10th and 11th arrondissements is a favorite among locals but is often overlooked by tourists. Take a stroll along the canal’s tree-lined banks, explore the quirky shops and cafes in the surrounding neighborhood, or take a boat tour to see the city from a new perspective.
  • The Musée des Arts Forains: This whimsical museum in the 12th arrondissement is devoted to carnival rides and games from the 19th and early 20th centuries. Visitors can ride antique carousels, play vintage games, and explore the museum’s collection of historic fairground artifacts.
  • The Parc des Buttes-Chaumont: This beautiful park in the 19th arrondissement is one of the largest and most picturesque in the city. It features a man-made lake, a waterfall, a suspension bridge, and stunning views of the city from its hilltop location.
  • The Rodin Museum: This beautiful museum in the 7th arrondissement is dedicated to the works of the sculptor Auguste Rodin. The museum is housed in a stunning 18th-century mansion and features a large collection of Rodin’s sculptures, including his famous “The Thinker” and “The Kiss.”
  • The Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature: This unique museum in the 3rd arrondissement is devoted to hunting and the natural world. Visitors can explore exhibits on hunting weapons, animal specimens, and taxidermy, as well as contemporary art installations that explore the relationship between humans and nature.
  • The Paris Catacombs: While the Catacombs are well-known, they are often overlooked by visitors to Paris. The Catacombs are a network of underground tunnels and chambers that were used to store the bones of millions of Parisians in the 18th and 19th centuries. Today, visitors can explore a small section of the Catacombs on a guided tour.
  • The Musée de la Vie Romantique: This charming museum in the 9th arrondissement is devoted to the Romantic era of the 19th century. Housed in a beautiful townhouse, the museum features exhibits on the art, literature, and culture of the period, as well as a lovely garden and tea room.
  • The Albert Kahn Museum and Gardens: This beautiful museum in the western suburbs of Paris is dedicated to the work of the photographer and philanthropist Albert Kahn. The museum features a large collection of Kahn’s photographs and films, as well as stunning gardens that showcase different landscapes from around the world.

These are just a few examples of the many lesser-known things to see and do in Paris. Whether you’re interested in art, history, nature, or just exploring the city’s hidden corners, there’s something for everyone to discover in this vibrant and captivating city.

To make the most of your visit to each landmark, there are a few tips to keep in mind. First, consider purchasing skip-the-line tickets in advance to avoid long lines and save time. Many popular attractions offer these types of tickets, which allow you to bypass the regular queue and enter the attraction more quickly. Another option is to take a guided tour, which can provide you with additional context and insights into the history and significance of the landmark. Many guided tours also offer skip-the-line access and can help you make the most of your time at the attraction.

In addition to these tips, it’s also important to plan ahead and budget your time wisely. Some of the top landmarks in Paris can be quite crowded, especially during peak travel season, so be sure to factor in wait times and plan your visit accordingly. Finally, don’t forget to bring your camera and take plenty of photos to capture your memories of these iconic landmarks and attractions!

Exploring The City’s Neighborhoods

Paris is a city of many neighborhoods, each with its own distinct character and charm. Exploring these neighborhoods is a great way to get a sense of the city’s rich history, diverse culture, and vibrant street life. Some of the most popular neighborhoods in Paris include:

  • The Marais: This historic neighborhood in the heart of Paris is known for its narrow streets, trendy boutiques, and historic landmarks like the Place des Vosges. The Marais also has a vibrant LGBTQ+ community and is home to many excellent restaurants and cafes.
  • Montmartre: This picturesque hilltop neighborhood is known for its bohemian atmosphere and sweeping views of the city. Montmartre is home to the iconic Basilique du Sacré-Cœur, as well as many charming cafes, galleries, and street performers.
  • Saint-Germain-des-Prés: Located on the Left Bank of the Seine, this upscale neighborhood has a long history as a center of intellectual and artistic life in Paris. Saint-Germain-des-Prés is home to many historic landmarks, including the Saint-Germain-des-Prés church and the Café de Flore, as well as many high-end shops and galleries.

Each of these neighborhoods has its own unique features and attractions that make it worth a visit. In the Marais, for example, visitors can explore the city’s Jewish history and culture at the Musée d’Art et d’Histoire du Judaïsme or sample delicious falafel at L’As du Fallafel. In Montmartre, visitors can climb the steep steps to the top of the hill for stunning views of the city and explore the winding streets and charming cafes of the neighborhood.

Saint-Germain-des-Prés, meanwhile, is known for its elegant architecture and rich cultural history. Visitors can explore the neighborhood’s many art galleries, bookstores, and cafes, or take a stroll through the picturesque Luxembourg Gardens. No matter which neighborhood you choose to explore, you’re sure to discover something unique and fascinating about this beautiful city!


Off-the-beaten-path Experiences

While Paris is famous for its iconic landmarks and charming neighborhoods, there are also many unique experiences to be had that travelers might not have considered. Here are a few ideas for off-the-beaten-path activities to try:

  • Take a hot air balloon ride: For a truly unforgettable view of the city, consider taking a hot air balloon ride over Paris. You’ll soar above the city and get a bird’s-eye view of the Eiffel Tower, the Seine River, and other iconic landmarks.
  • Attend a cabaret show: Paris is known for its cabaret shows, which combine music, dance, and theater for a fun and entertaining evening. Some of the most famous cabarets in Paris include the Moulin Rouge and the Lido.
  • Visit the Catacombs: Located beneath the streets of Paris, the Catacombs are an underground network of tunnels and chambers filled with the bones of millions of Parisians. It’s a haunting and unforgettable experience that offers a fascinating glimpse into the city’s history.

    Catacombs in Paris

When planning these unique experiences, it’s important to do your research and book in advance, as many of them require reservations. For example, tickets for the Catacombs often sell out quickly, so it’s best to book in advance to avoid disappointment. Similarly, hot air balloon rides are weather-dependent and should be booked well in advance to ensure availability.

When you’re actually experiencing these activities, it’s important to be open-minded and embrace the adventure. Try to immerse yourself in the experience and enjoy every moment, whether you’re exploring the eerie tunnels of the Catacombs or soaring high above the city in a hot air balloon. And don’t forget to take plenty of photos to capture your memories of these unique and unforgettable experiences!



In summary, Paris is a city that offers endless possibilities for travelers, from iconic landmarks and charming neighborhoods to unique experiences that are off the beaten path. To make the most of your trip to Paris, we recommend staying at one of the city’s best hotels, carefully planning your itinerary to include must-see landmarks and attractions like the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Notre-Dame Cathedral, and the Palace of Versailles, and exploring some of the city’s most popular neighborhoods, such as the Marais, Montmartre, and Saint-Germain-des-Prés.

In addition to these popular activities, there are many unique experiences to be had in Paris, such as visiting the Catacombs, taking a hot air balloon ride, or attending a cabaret show. To make the most of these experiences, it’s important to plan ahead and be open-minded to new adventures.

Finally, we encourage travelers to embrace the spirit of adventure and explore all that Paris has to offer. Whether you’re wandering the streets of the Marais, savoring a croissant at a sidewalk cafe, or taking in the stunning views from the top of the Eiffel Tower, Paris is a city that rewards those who are willing to step outside their comfort zone and embrace the unknown. So don’t be afraid to try something new and make the most of your time in this beautiful and captivating city!

The post Experiencing the Best of Paris: A Traveler’s Guide appeared first on Wandering Earl.

The Best Summer Destinations in Europe

Best Summer Destinations in Europe

Dreaming of a trip around Europe during the summer? I always like to say I have two moods: summer in Europe or cozy holiday mode. Well, if you’re in the mindset of summer in Europe — this is for you!

While it’s difficult to narrow down the “best” destinations to visit in Europe during the summer as it truly is up to your preferences and the things you’d like to do, I can definitely provide some suggestions.

First up: if you’re able to travel during the shoulder months, as in May/June and September, you’ll find far fewer crowds. July and August are high seasons, and, I would say avoid August at all costs. Trust me, I visited Greece in August and while it was beautiful…it was PACKED.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the best summer destinations to visit in Europe!

Dalmatian Coast, Croatia

The Dalmatian Coast is home to some of the clearest waters in the Mediterranean, making it the perfect destination for swimming, snorkeling, and other water activities. The colors of the water range from turquoise to deep blue, and you’ll be able to see all the way to the bottom!

The Dalmatian Coast is made up of thousands of islands, each one more beautiful than the last. From the historic city of Dubrovnik to the quiet, serene islands of Hvar and Brač, there’s an island for every type of traveler.

For the history buffs, dive into ancient Roman ruins and see the fortified city walls of Dubrovnik. You’ll feel like you’re stepping back in time as you explore this stunning coastal region.

Did you know that some of the best food and wine are found here? Yep, Croatia is a foodie’s paradise! From fresh seafood dishes to hearty meat stews, the cuisine of the Dalmatian Coast is both delicious and hearty.

And don’t even get me started on the wine – the region is famous for its crisp, refreshing whites and rich, full-bodied reds.

Mallorca, Spain

You’ll find some of the most stunning beaches in the Mediterranean in Mallorca! 

From the bustling Cala Millor to the secluded Cala Deià, there’s a beach for every type of traveler. The crystal-clear waters and soft, white sand make Mallorca the perfect destination for a summer getaway.

Beyond the beaches, Mallorca is also home to some of the most breathtaking countryside in Europe. From the rolling hills to the rugged coastline, the scenery is simply stunning. You’ll feel like you’ve stepped into a postcard as you explore the island’s beautiful landscapes.

Oh, and for those wanting to dive into culture and history — look no further than the ancient ruins of the Talayots to the Gothic architecture of the capital city of Palma.

Mallorca is the perfect destination for those who want a mix of adventure and relaxation.

Spend your days hiking in the mountains and your nights sipping cocktails on the beach. Whether you’re looking for an action-packed vacation or a peaceful retreat, Mallorca has something for everyone.

Greek Islands

The Greek Islands are home to some of the most stunning beaches in Europe, from the bustling party beaches of Mykonos to the secluded coves of Santorini. With crystal-clear waters and soft, white sand, the beaches of the Greek Islands are the perfect place to soak up the sun and relax.

For those looking for a cultural experience, visit the ancient ruins of the Acropolis in Athens to the medieval castles of Rhodes. 

Beyond the beaches, the Greek Islands are also home to some of the most breathtaking scenery in Europe. From the dramatic cliffs of Santorini to the rolling hills of Crete, the scenery is simply stunning. You’ll feel like you’re in a postcard as you explore the island’s beautiful landscapes.

The Greek Islands are the perfect destination for those who want a mix of adventure and relaxation. Spend your days exploring ancient ruins and your nights lounging on the beach. 

Sardinia, Italy

Sardinia, Italy doesn’t always make lists…but it should! It has some of the most stunning beaches, from the famous Costa Smeralda to the secluded Cala Luna. 

Whether you’re interested in history, art, or local traditions, Sardinia is brimming with unique things to explore, from the ancient ruins of Nuraghi to the traditional costumes of the island’s rural communities. 

The island is famous for its fresh, local ingredients and dishes up hearty seafood plates. 

Amalfi Coast, Italy

Amalfi Coast is a chart-topper for good reason! The dramatic cliffs, the coastal towns, and the brilliant blue water. The Amalfi Coast is a photographer’s dream! 

The Amalfi Coast is the perfect destination for those who want a mix of relaxation and adventure.

Spend your days lounging on the beach and your nights exploring the picturesque villages. Whether you’re looking for a peaceful retreat or an action-packed vacation, the Amalfi Coast has something for everyone.

Whether you’re interested in history, architecture, or local traditions, the Amalfi Coast has something for you.

I’d highly recommend planning well in advance as this is the prime busy season and accommodations book up early. Here are some of the best hotels to stay at on the Amalfi Coast!

Provence, France

Pack your bags and head to the South of France! The gorgeous region of Provence, France is brimming with sun-kissed vineyards, lavender fields, and charming villages.

Spend your days wandering around the rolling hills of the Luberon to the vineyards of Châteauneuf-du-Pape. Whether you’re exploring the countryside by bike or by car, you’ll be constantly amazed by the beauty of Provence.

Provence is dotted with charming villages, from the hilltop town of Gordes to the seaside town of Cassis. Each village has its own unique personality and history and is the perfect place to immerse yourself in local culture and traditions.

Spend your days exploring ancient ruins and your nights lounging in charming villages.

Whether you’re looking for an action-packed vacation or a peaceful retreat, Provence has something for everyone.

French Riviera, France

Get ready to pack your bags and escape to a world of sun, sea, and glamour! Whether you’re exploring the coastline by boat or by car, you’ll be constantly amazed by the beauty of the French Riviera.

The French Riviera is famous for its chic destinations, from the glamorous resorts of Saint-Tropez to the picturesque villages of Èze.

Whether you’re looking to be pampered in a five-star hotel or to explore local culture and traditions, the French Riviera has something for you. Whether you’re interested in history, art, or local traditions, the French Riviera has something for you.

Imagine spending your days sipping rosé next to the beach, dining on niçoise salads, and then lounging at a chic resort. Sounds like paradise to me!


While Iceland may not be the typical place you imagine during a summer vacation, you should definitely consider it…especially because the weather is GORGEOUS!

Iceland is renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty, from its glaciers and fjords to its hot springs and geysers.

Whether you’re exploring the rugged wilderness or taking a dip in one of the country’s famous hot springs, Iceland’s natural beauty is truly awe-inspiring.

During the summer months, Iceland experiences the “midnight sun” – which means that the sun never sets, and you can enjoy 24 hours of daylight! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience the beauty of the country in a completely different way.

Iceland offers a wealth of unique activities, from glacier hiking and whale watching to horseback riding and kayaking. Whether you’re looking for an adrenaline rush or a more relaxed experience, Iceland has something for everyone.

Iceland is home to a diverse range of wildlife, from puffins and seals to whales and reindeer. During the summer months, you may be able to see puffins, seals, whales, and even reindeer in their natural habitats.  

Azores Islands, Portugal

The Azores Islands are renowned for their breathtaking natural beauty, from the lush green landscapes to the dramatic cliffs and pristine beaches. Whether you’re exploring the countryside on horseback or taking a dip in one of the many hot springs, the Azores will leave you in awe.

Offering a wealth of adventure activities, from hiking and surfing to whale watching and snorkeling, it’s the perfect place for someone who wants to be active and explore. Whether you’re looking for an adrenaline rush or a more relaxed experience, the Azores have something for everyone.

The Azores are one of the best places in Europe for whale watching. From June to October, visitors can observe these magnificent creatures in their natural habitats, making for a truly unforgettable experience.

Book your trip to the Azores today and escape to a world of natural beauty, relaxation, and adventure!

Do you have a favorite European summer destination? Let me know in the comments below!

The post The Best Summer Destinations in Europe appeared first on The Blonde Abroad.

Active Holiday Ideas in the French Alps for Solo Travelers 


Traveling alone is no longer terribly daunting. In fact, it is now seen as a common and wonderful way for people to avoid travel regret. Why not head out on your own? There’s no reason to wait when the world provides so many rich experiences for solo travelers to enjoy as well.

Some of those memorable experiences involve being active. Mountain sports, for example, involve activities that can be perfectly-suited to solo travelers given their focus on connecting with nature and relying on ourselves to move around. And there is perhaps no better place than the French Alps for such activities.

Fun-filled active holidays in French Alps can provide a fascinating experience, one that allows you to discover other cultures, partake in a variety of adventures, build confidence and create long-lasting memories on the way.


Why the French Alps?

  • Easy and affordable access: To keep costs down as a solo traveler, affordable transportation can be the key. With a bus connection to almost every village and railhead, the Alps has an excellent public transport network.
  • Safety: Solo travelers in this region need not fear about safety as it is considered to be a very safe and secure area.
  • Accommodation: There is a wide network of huts (over 800 of them) spread across the Alps which allow solo travelers to spend the night in affordable rooms  instead of using tents.
  • Signage: Trail markings and signage are fool-proof throughout the Alps, good enough even for the less confident traveler.
  • You might be solo, but you aren’t alone: The Alps attract a large number of solo travelers every year. As a result, you just might run into some of the same people over and over again and you’ll always come across new people. If you want to meet other travelers, you’ll have no problem at all while here.


Activities to try

There are a wide variety of activities that you could choose during a solo trip to the French Alps. And they all offer ways to spend some quality alone time in the fresh mountain air, in serene settings that will provide the quiet and peace of mind that you might be craving. Here are some ideas…



Extraordinary terrain, an exceptional lift system, serious investment in mountain biking infrastructure and spectacular scenery all come together to make the French Alps one of the best biking destinations in the world.

The Downhill and Cross-country riding programs provide you an opportunity to explore the forested valley floors over a network of trails. You can also take advantage of the lifts in order to navigate the high mountain routes marked Green, Blue or Red depending on their difficulty.




From the famous multi-day trek that is the incredible Tour du Mont Blanc to hiking the Haute Route from Chamonix to Zermatt, the French Alps are a paradise for hikers. With accessible and well-marked trails in the shadows of soaring peaks, the Alps always provides options for all levels of walkers.

Solo hikers need not worry as plenty of accommodation is available through a combination of mountain huts, family owned chalets and hotels. To get the best out of this experience, you can have your luggage transferred from one accommodation to the next one in order to travel lightly and simplify the logistics while you enjoy the hiking.



A high altitude solo climb on a mountain route is simply one of the best ways to have an unforgettable adventure. When you climb solo, you are out there relying on your abilities to take you up to the summit and once you do reach the summit, the sense of achievement is something to behold.

The Alps have long been a hub of mountain climbing tourism given the sheer diversity of opportunities. Summer is naturally the most optimal time for such climbing, especially for first-time and solo climbers, as the snow cover will be gone. The weather is generally calm with plenty of sunny days. Even if you are not a seasoned mountaineer, you’ll find options and you can also find plenty of equipment to rent or purchase to help make your climbing easier.




A via ferrata, also referred to as an ‘Iron Path’, is a style of protected mountain route located mostly in Italy and Austria. However, they also exist in the French Alps. Though it’s not for the faint hearted as such a hike will involve metal cables and footholds, hence the name. You’ll cross over deep ravines and climb steps that leave you exposed right on the side of the mountain… it’s certainly enough to get the adrenaline flowing.

While via ferrata vary in design, required skill level and length, one thing they all have in common are surreal views. If you have the nerve, head to Le Rocher du Saint Julien in the Drome region. With a vertical drop of 288 meters and a length of 1.6 km, it’s sure to get your heart racing. And for some of the most magical views of the Mont Blanc range, the via ferrata of Les Evettes takes the crown.




If you love the tranquillity of being near water, the Alps provides something for you as well. Canyoning in the French Alps can be a beautiful experience, especially because most of the terrain in this region is well-suited for this activity. The combination of obstacles such as glacial gorges and deep rivers provides an inspiring canyoning experience for all those who attempt it.

Local experts will guide you through an itinerary based on your ability, so you don’t need to worry about going it alone. They’ll ensure you’re properly prepared for the course ahead and will help you with any of the difficult aspects so that you can really soak up the atmosphere of your impressive natural surroundings.



Rather than stand atop a snow covered mountain or bike along windy roads, another option is to embark on a day of white water rafting. Some of the most popular locations for this activity include Arve, Dora Baltea and the Giffre. Rafting can easily be enjoyed by solo adrenaline seekers, especially if you are experienced. You can rent your own raft or join a group of others on an organized trip through the rushing waters.

During the summer months, the rivers around Chamonix are transformed into rafting playgrounds, as it’s considered one of the more ideal rafting spots. The cool waters of the Mont Blanc valley offer a respite from the harsh rays of the sun and are extremely popular with adventure lovers. Even if you are not an enthusiastic water person, a day of river rafting in Chamonix could change that.



The post Active Holiday Ideas in the French Alps for Solo Travelers  appeared first on Wandering Earl.