Posts by admin
Video: Interview With Top United Airlines Exec Andrew Nocella at Skift Aviation Forum 🔒
United Airlines Chief Commercial Officer Andrew Nocella. Skift
6 Questions for Airlines Iconoclast Gordon Bethune on the State of the Industry
Former Continental Airlines CEO Gordon Bethune. Skift
Video: Interview With Air France CEO Anne Rigail at Skift Aviation Forum 🔒
Anne Rigail, CEO of Air France , talked about the bold and drastic changes her team has made to the airline at Skift Aviation Forum. Skift
The Park Ranger Connecting Civil Rights to the U.S. National Parks
Park Ranger Shelton Johnson in Buffalo Soldier uniform with Half Dome in the background. Keith Walket / Yosemite Conservancy
Uncertainty Looms Over Seamless EU-UK Tourism as Final Brexit Nears
As Brexit’s final phase nears, uncertainty looms over how travel between EU-UK will operate seamlessly. Mirko Toller / Flickr Commons
A Funding Crisis at Destinations Spurs New Tourism Marketing Models
Los Cabos Tourism Board established a private sector funded trust months before Covid hit. Los Cabos Tourism Board
100 Million Chinese Projected to Travel Overseas in 2021: How Realistic Is That?
Chinese free independent travelers exploring Switzerland. Photo courtesy of Switzerland Tourism
Thailand Welcomed 1,201 Tourists in October, Down from 3 Million in October 2019
Tourists at the Grand Palace in Bangkok, Thailand in 2017. Skift